What is a Gerontologist?
Gerontologists deal with all parts of aging with the exception of medical.
Some of the things they look closely at are:
- Biological Aging – The physical changes that reduce the efficiency of organ systems.
- Chronological Aging – The definition of aging based on a person’s years lived from birth.
- Psychological Aging – The changes that occur in sensory and perceptual processes, cognitive abilities, adaptive capacity, and personality.
- Social Aging – Refers to an individual’s changing roles and relationships with family, friends, and other informal supports, productive roles and within organizations.

They fit together the pieces of aging into one picture in an effort to help people understand where they are in life and help them to make steps forward with knowledge.
What is a Senior Transition Specialist?
Senior Transition Specialists are holistic people who look at the whole person and help them with all the steps of transitioning. Some of the areas they work through with seniors are:
- Do the comparison of living locations.
- Figure out furniture and help get you downsized.
- Figuring out their finances.
- Going to the lawyer to get a will, Power of Attorney and Durable Healthcare Power of Attorney in order.
- Help with the paperwork to get accepted in a location.
- Make sure seniors are welcomed in your new location.
- Visiting houses of family, apartments, other houses, CCRC’s, Assisted Living or other locations to find the best fit.
- Working with CPA’s or financial advisors to develop a plan for the future.
- Work with the movers.
- Many other things that come up along the way.

Let John Help Today
Complete care from the first "Hello" to getting settled into a new location. John will take the time to keep you informed every step of the way.